There has been speculation that 50 Cent has signed Gamu who was rejected in the early stages of the x factor competition last year. This for me is the absolute icing on the cake that the UK music industry keeps taking!! I continue to fail to understand why the music industry in the UK has such poor foresight for local talent! Furthermore those that play major roles in what happens with local talent seem to have this tendency to look down their noses at something that would need development. Did I mention that apparently quite a number of UK labels were fighting to have her signed to them? My question to that is very simple, so simple its one word, WHEN!? I would personally salute 50 cent for noticing the talent that Gamu has and offering her an opportunity to sing and get credit for it! Not to mention him also taking advantage of an opportunity the UK industry was too arrogant and elitist to notice. Yes I said it ARROGANT AND ELITIST! The best bit about this circus I have always found funny, is that the UK industry is always trying to emulate the US. Always looking for the “UK’s answer to……..”, which I personally find embarrassing and appalling. When will they learn that sometimes you don’t have to look far and wide to find something amazing? I mean in this case here, Gamu is actually from Zimbabwe and came to the UK! So theoretically she is talent that came in from Zimbabwe at no cost to the people that could make it happen and they let her slip out of their hands! There are numerous other examples I could point out in this subject like Sway, Estelle and way too many others to mention. At the same time I must also admit that recently there has been a bit of a push toward the right direction and more local talent has been making waves. In the same breath, I’m saying a large number of them are working independently. The UK music industry needs to wake up like ten years ago and have some recognition for what they have been missing by instantly dismissing!!
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