I know its been a while since I have put up an update, the truth is I have a had a lot of personal issues recently and have decided to push them aside for a minute. I was talking to a friend from California and he had just finished his EP called Green Graz. The Hip hop genre has grown magnificently and this EP is an excellent example of this growth. People are more in tune with making music with substance. From start to finish this EP is really good, I'm not just saying so because I know who made it but because of the message that is being conveyed. There are many people that can relate to what is being said from track to track, I especially like "basic instinct". The vocals, the lyrics, the instrumental all merging to create a masterpiece. I just hope that this is just a scratch on the surface with more depth and reason to come when Kwamo and O.G. Productions release an album. This is definitely a force to recognize and will be on the airwaves sooner than you think. Green Graz is available NOW on sound cloud at the link below